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14 August 2015 Ottawa, Ontario
Opening Ceremony and Introduction of Veterans Opening ceremonies were conducted by HKVCA President Carol Hadley and Quebec Region Director Lucette Mailloux. Eight Hong Kong veterans and four Burma veterans were introduced.
1. Call To Order: Carol Hadley called the meeting to order at 9:20 AM
2. Welcome, HKVCA President and Director, Ontario Region: Carole Hadley introduced herself and welcomed the members to the meeting. Mike Babin brought greetings from Ontario, and congratulated the organising committee for their great work in putting the convention together.
3. Minutes of the Last General Meeting, held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, 16 August 2013: The minutes were read by Ian Doull, on behalf of Jim Trick, Secretary. Moved by George Peterson and seconded by Lori Smith that the minutes be approved. Carried.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Barry Mitchell.
Copies of the
audited financial statements for 2014
were available to meeting attendees. Barry thanked Mitzi Ross and the
organising committee for hosting the convention. Barry noted that the
Memorial Wall fund has been completed, and indicated the remarkable
generosity of donors. Income has been comparable to last year, almost
all from dues and donations, and all obligations have been met—a good
year financially. The largest expense is the newsletter, costing $2,800
last year.
5. President’s Report: Presented by Carol Hadley
Carol thanked Mitzi and the organising committee and welcomed several widows and all first-time attendees. She noted that the organisation can be proud of its many accomplishments, with particular reference to the Wall and the website, and thanked Gail Angel for her contribution to website content. She noted the challenge of declining membership and the need for fundraising and publicity chairs.
6. Membership Report:
7. Regional Reports:
- Ontario: Mike Babin. Mike expressed his thanks to Mitzi Ross. He noted the loss of five Ontario HK veterans since the convention in Winnipeg. He observed that as we lose veterans, membership drops, citing a loss of 150 in the past two years. Less members means less volunteers, with concerns for long-term sustainability. Volunteers have been busy in Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and Niagara. Mike noted the support received from the Chinese-Canadian community and their interest in the Battle of Hong Kong and in our veterans. - Finally, the three members of the former HKVDC were introduced.
Ontario Report to AGM - August 2015
- Manitoba: Juliet LaFortune (presented by Carol Hadley). Juliet noted that Prairie Region had been busy with educational initiatives, participating in a provincial teachers’ conference. Monthly meetings are held in Winnipeg and two annual memorial services.
- Quebec: Lucette Mailloux. Greetings from Quebec and thanks to Mitzi. Quebec is holding its own in activity and finance in the face of declining numbers. Lucette took over membership on the death of Marcel. Reunions and general gatherings have been discontinued.
- Atlantic: Emmie Flanagan. Thanks to Mitzi, and to the veterans for honouring us with their presence. A ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of VJ Day was held at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. The Town of Belledune, New Brunswick, will create a memorial park, and the HKVCA has been asked to include an inscribed memorial stone. Bernie LeBlanc is membership chair.
8. Education Report: Presented by Gail Angel. Gail reminded everyone that they had a role as a “casual” educator. She noted the potential of the “home-school” community as an untapped audience. A co-ordinator is needed for the Writing Context—a one-year commitment. She noted the importance of social media in reaching youth.
National Education Coordinator Report 2015
9. HKVA President: Phil Doddridge. Phil thanked Mitzi and the organising committee. He noted Derrill’s role in providing guidance and advice. George Peterson, HKVA Vice-President, also thanked Mitzi, and Barry, Carol, and all those who have led the association.
10. Elections: New BOD:
(the names below were added from post-meeting correspondence. Please check for accuracy.)
Derrill Henderson - President Carol Hadley - Immediate Past President Nancy Doddridge - 1st Vice Kathie Carlson - 2nd Vice Ian Doull - Secretary - appointed by the BOD Barry Mitchell - Treasurer Gail Angel - Education Chair |
Regional Directors -
Atlantic Region - Emmie Flanagan |
11. New Business:
- Flags. Barry indicated that there are occasional requests for an HKVCA flag. He will coordinate, but needs to gauge interest and narrow down options, based on size, design, etc. A show of hands indicated general interest—Barry will continue to develop options.
- On- line payments. This to purchases from the website and possibly dues payments. Barry is working on the concept—more information to come.
- General discussion. An apology from the Mitsubishi Company went to some POWs used as forced labour, but not to Canada. Carol has been asked to pursue the issue—will be taken up by the new BOD.
12. Adjournment: Moved by Lori Smith, seconded by Dorothy Sauson, carried.