3 - 1 - 43
Well, here's a brand new year - .1943 — and let's hope that we fare better than in '42. News has been practically nil, as no papers have come in for 4 days. A rumor has been floating around to the effect that Turkey is now in. There is nothing, however, to substantiate this. Major Harrison told me that the news is very good and he is generally fairly well informed. No news is good news and let's hope it applies in this case. Had the same practically for New Year's as we did for Xmas, save no chocolate or honey. Had a little get-together in Massage. Each Canadian contributed 50 sen and we bought a tin of corned mutton Y2.85 and two tins of beans 30 sen each as well as some smokes. Those present included Major TG. MacAuley of the Rifles; S/Sgt. James - R.A.P.C.; R.S.M. Reid of the R.A.; C.S.M. Collings - H.K.V.D.C.; Morise Jack - RM.; Spr. Boddy - RE.; Rfn Morgan Davies-R.R.C.; "Pop Taylor ciw attached RE.; L- Cpl. Maysey; Ptes Brown, Miller, Evannow, as well as self, of the Grenadiers. Played some Monopoly and then had a sing-song plus a general gabfest. All in all we had a very enjoyable evening, finishing if off by singing "Auld Lang Syne". Mac is coming along and had been sitting up a bit. Feet still bother him but he thinks they've improved. Is starting to feel a little hungrier which is a good sign. Am feeling very fit myself, and am putting on weight steadily. Actually think my arms are bigger than they have ever been, due, probably to bumping the floor. Ward is like a madhouse, altho' - there are quite a few more up and around now. Am glad to be in the bunk and only hope l can continue to stay there. "Swampy" Kincaid is still in and has been in dutch owing to his propensity for soaking his feet in cold water, aItho‘ he has been repeatedly told not to do so by the M.O. Finally, he was paraded up to the Colonel. On the way, R.S.M. Bartley jumped him and told him what a fine specimen he was - thinking he knew better than the M.O. etc. Kincaid, in reply, said that Major Harrison had never had "hot" feet. To which Bartley retorted that, whilst the Major had never had a baby yet he knew all about bringing them into the world! Quite a smart comeback! Have now completed all the Jap proformas and now have these pellagra forms to make out. Also, now we're making a summary of the case sheets, so as to keep the files as small as possible. Have written another letter home to Pop and I can't help wondering if any of them have reached home. Haven't had a word yet and sure would appreciate receiving one. However, one of these days. Spent New Year's Eve very quietly - had a chat with Mac and wrote some in my diary. Weather has been nice - very sunny in the afternoons. Have been playing quite a bit of chess and haven't set the world on fire. Lost to Padre and Chief Morries but managed to beat P.O.Gregory. Have now lost 8 and won 5. Played a game of crib with Mr. Drew the other night. My thoughts stray homewards every so often and can't help speculating on things. Wonder how they're making out on the farm · hope they're becoming self-supporting, as that will be a big help. However, my back pay should be big enough to finish paying for it. Rather think that my assigned pay has been stopped, which is not so good for Pop. However, will come in that much handler when I do get home. Certainly will be lots of changes - deaths, births, marriages etc. and will have to start from scratch again H in more ways than one. After this episode, that is starting from scratch, d0esn't give rise to any undue alarm on my part. Wonder how Cliff and Tom are doing'? Imagine Fred is married 'ere this and wished I could have seen him at Calgary. One of these days, will once more see the old bunch and here's hoping that it will not be long ere _ we're once more reunited.
8 - 1 — 43
Since last writing, the weather has become much colder and everyone is shivering like the proverbial "dog on a leaf". This is a very damp place and the cold seems to penetrate into the very marrow of one's bones. Shouldn't like to reach home in the winter and imagine that, should we become free in the winter season, we convalesce for awhile in Australia. Mac is improving steadily and is becoming more of his old self all the time -has begun to crack a few jokes and make a few wisecracks, which is a very good sign. Is hobbling around and he sure has lost plenty of weight - 121 now as compared to 185l However, he is on the mend, which is the main thing. Rice ration has been pretty slim the last few days and actually feel a little hungry. I-lad 5 fish to divide amongst 14 of us but fortunately had plenty of greens. Was talking re curry and there is no limit to what it can be used for. Eggs, fruit, meat — practically anything can be done. Certainly shall always enjoy it. "Pop" Taylor took a stroke and passed away on the 4 — 1 - 43. Cerebral hemorrhage was given as the cause. "Pop" was quite a character. Left the Navy just prior to the last war and joined the Chinese Maritime _ Customs. Served in the war and then back to the job. Finally retired and instead of taking a pension, drew a lump sum of 2000 pounds, which he went through in about 7 months. Had two Chinese wives - one in Kowloon and the other down in North Point. Was "beachcombing" just prior to this last conflagration. Told me that, whenever he went, he had no regrets as he had lived every day of his life to the hilt. Was up to see "Bucktooth" Davies Wednesday night and he is feeling fair. Still cannot see to read. Is I eating like a horse and is pretty cheerful. Played Norman chess the other day and managed to eke out a win. Have been working on these lists for pellagra and still have a lot to do. Major Harrison told me that Boss and the boys got their parcels OK. Evidently things are going fairly well at Camp. Mac was told news to the effect that the Russians have recaptured Smolinsk along with 4,000 prisoners. Also the Pope is supposed to have made an appeal to Churchill to stop bombing Italian cities. However, this received the well-known "thumbs down" . ln Burma we‘re alleged to have driven in some 200 odd miles. There have been no papers in here for over a week, which may be a good sign. Things continue to move along in the old unending manner. Everything one does seems so futile and one has an awful feeling of helplessness at times. Still, am lucky to be here and not at Camp. There was a little excitement over our Ward the other day. There was an extra supper carried into Massage. Dick came tearing up and called them a lot of useless bastards and so forth. So the eight all signed a note asking to see the Colonel. So, I had to parade them to R.S.M. Bartley who read them the excerpt from the Manual of Military Law, pointing out that they had committed mutiny and could be charged with same. However, he did not press the charge and the upshot of it all was that Collings was paraded to the OC. and received a reprimand. - In some ways, he can't be blamed, as he has had considerable trouble from this group and yet he had no right to call them what he did. He is, at times, rather inclined to be a little too bossy and whilst he does a tremendous amount of work, yet he needs checking occasionally. This bird, Sapper Buddy, is a real "barrack room" lawyer, which is in some circumstances, no disgrace but he is shitty, or crooked, with it. Wouldn't trust him any further than I could throw a house. Cam Maddess is having trouble with his eyes again. Are very red and watering. Have been exercising in the morning, as now I weigh 145 and am getting to be really pot—bellied. Walk around the hospital four times at night too. Well, here's hoping it isn't much longer!
11 — 1 - 43
The weather still continues to be cold. It was 47 degrees above this morning, which compared to home, is nothing. However, at the present time, one really feels it, as we're not getting proper food nor have we clothes enough. Picked up a good bush or angora shirt and a very heavy KD for 4 decks of fags today. Got one from the linen store, also, but it is in very poor shape. Still, it is better than nothing. Should be able to get by so far as shirts go. Could use some underwear, socks, and boots. Still all in good time. There is a draft to go out this week. So far, have escaped it but one never knows. Would like very much to spend the duration here but can hardly hope for that. Have now put in six months at Bowen Road - so can‘t complain. Holley is down to go - so shall send notes to Bob Boyd, Don Aitkens, and Lieut. McKechnie. Have also sent one to Bert Beare, trying to chisel some stuff. Hope he comes through with the running shoes at least. Rumors are flying thick and fast re news. On all fronts we're doing fine. Burma is cleaned up as is Libya and New Guinea. Canadians are now said to be in New Guinea! Russians are fighting on Polish soil. Prisoners, taken by the Russians, are alleged to be suffering from malnutrition and scurvy. If all this is true, things are definitely on the way. However, take all this with a grain of salt. Have had quite a few talks with Jimmy Jones over various things. He is a W.O.II in the Pay Corps and worked as a Cost Accountant. ls a very decent chap and has his head screwed on in the right way. Was telling me about the way the officers and high mucky mucks' wives evaded this evacuation scheme. It was set forth by the Hong Kong Gov't that all British women and children should be evacuated to Australia. lf necessary, force was to be resorted to. So all these birds got their wives worked into Government jobs or else they joined up as V.A.D.'s. However, the soldiers' wife had no choice in the matter and was sent bag and luggage, to Australia. In the long run, the laugh is on the officers etc., as it isn't any picnic in Hong Kong at this time. Am now getting Jap proformas ready for this bunch. Also, looks as though I'll have more to do in entering up eye reports, as well as making out these pellagra charts. This pellagra sure is a bugger. In most cases, it starts out with "burning" feet - combined with stabbing or shooting pains. This is followed by a gradual numbness of the limbs, spreading over the whole body. Usually the tongue is very cracked and sore with angular stomatitis — sores at the corner of the mouth. in some cases, the eyes are affected causing a blurring of the vision. Some have corneal ulcers and when they heal, leave a scar tissue on the eye, blocking the sight. l understand that there is nothing they can do for this and that their eyesight will be permanently affected. Then again, the heart may be attacked. The pulse rates of some are extremely high, anywhere from 100 to 180. Most of them have high blood pressure also. Am afraid that most of them are going to bear some souvenir as a reminder of our stay as the reluctant guests of His Imperial Highness the Emperor Hirohito. Also it's going to cost the Canadian Government a large sum for pensions, drugs, hospitalization etc. Had some soup for supper. This is made from ‘ fish heads, barley, greens, turnips and what have you! Reminds me very much of mash for the pigs back home — in fact have seen far better swill. To cap things, whilst we're waiting for plates, any that come back with rice or anything on, the boys scraped it into the soup to make it a little thicker! It‘s a good thing Mother can‘t see this. Still if ` we fare no worse than this during the rest of our stay, we shall be very lucky indeed. lf the Canadian Government would cough through with another Yf0.00, it would sure ease things. Here's hoping we're "in the stretch" and that it is soon over.
17 - 1 - 43
Another week has rolled by - one nearer home. Have been told news is very good. Some papers came in with the parcels on Thursday and reference was made in one of them to the appointment of a British Governor to administrate Libya. This would lead one to infer that this is now all over and in our hands. lf so, the next move will quite likely be an invasion of Italy. Was told that it is now in the books that the Nlps may make a peace offer. It so, it is certain that Fritzie cannot be doing so well. Rather looks ` . as though we're starting on the last lap. Sure hope so. Draft is now due to leave on the 20th and has to be increased to 50. Am sleeping with my fingers crossed. salto paid a surprise visit yesterday and he had a look at some of the cases in our Ward. Had to admit that some of them were quite definitely pellagra. Said he had never seen any cases before. However, he was asked by Major Harrison for some tips as to how to treat them and salto instantly replied — Nicotinic acid and diet! A sweet chance we have of getting the proper diet. Weather has warmed up considerably the last few days and hope it continues to remain this way for a few weeks. Did some washing today and also aired my mattress, blanket, pillows — reminded me of walking clown McCulman Avenue on Saturday morning. Have made myself a couple of pairs of insoles from some old blanket and some lining. Am not, as yet, wearing any socks and these help to keep the old tootsies warm. Bought two pair ot Imperial shorts for 15 tags — practically brand new. It I had a pair of shoes, some socks and underwear wouldn't be too badly off. Worked practically every night on these Jap proformas and only have two to do. Get up every morning at 6:30 and do some exercises as I'm getting pretty pot—bellied and can stand a little. Go for a walk around the grounds every evening. Now feel very fit and only hope I can remain this way till the finish. There is a Dockyard and Defence Corps man — Penney by name — in here, who was on that ammo carrying party Mac and I had to take up Mt. Cameron the night of the 22nd. Sure is a small world. Have had some interesting talks with him on various subjects. He has been a diver, working during the last war for the Salvage Division of the AdmiraIty. Was asking him about the "bends". He had never had an attack of them and told me that it was a matter of not coming up too quickly. Once you get below 60 feet, when you start to come up, you must stop at 60 feet for some time; then come up another 10 feet - rest again and so on. Was a great man tor lawn bowling and is quite a dog tancier - St. Bernard's being his particular favorite. Kincaid is in the doghouse once more for soaking his feet in water. As punishment, his cigarettes have been stopped and he has also been cut off at Campradores. Had a talk with him and told him that he should be sent back to Camp, as he could soak his feet in a bucket ot cold water just as easily there as here. Also said that a note would be sent to Major Crawford telling him the facts of the case. Furthermore, said I would let his girlfriend know just what type of an individual he was, on our return home. Do not know if this will have an effect or not but shall have to report results. Mac has had a bad spell lately and hasn't been feeling up to scratch. Had a cheese cookie from the Major the other evening and did that ever taste like manna from heaven! Do not think l'll ever be able to get enough cheese or onions! Have a real craving for these. Well, it begins to C look as though things are moving at last and it can't be too soon for me. Will be one of the highest days in my life and as the lmperials say — "Boll on the boat"!
23 - 1 - 43
Well the draft finally left today and the new arrivals sure brought in news. On Tuesday ie. Jan 19th, 1200 more of us embarked on the "Asoma Maru" for Japan. 500 of these were Canadians! Every man was given Y10.00, 2 tins of bully, a a Red Cross parcel, 15 decks of weed and outfitted. Bob Boyd and Bill Laidlaw are said to be amongst them. The Camp is being filled with Red Cross supplies from Gun Club Hill - thus arising once more the possibility of a shift from here. A rumor is around to the effect that all R.A.M.C. personnel and able-bodied patients will leave here in 3 week's time for Japan and that the Sisters and V.A.D.'s will be brought back from Stanley to form the Staff. Needless to say, rumors will be rife the next few days. Only have eight new cases - two of them with old duodenal ulcers. Fleming is the only Canadian amongst them and he isn't in too bad a shape. Kincaid was awarded 168 hours detention today as he was caught soaking his feet in cold water again by the night "matron" — Corporal Twitchett. Should have his head examined and must bear this in mind for future reference. lf one can only believe half what you hear, things are progressing extremely well for us. Berlin was subjected to the heaviest air raid in history - have been told that 7000 planes took part in it. This is true insofar as the raid is concerned as it said so in the Nip paper. The Russians have placed several more million fresh men in the field, fully-equipped and are punishing the Germans severely. The Allies are pouring troops into North Africa. Hitler is alleged (which I doubt) to have made a speech saying that one of the Axis powers would collapse very shortly but that this would have no effect on his plans. On the other hand, Churchill is purported to have made a speech forecasting that the coming Allied offensive would be the fiercest in the history of the world. So it would seem that things are moving our way at last. It is rather hard to come to any conclusion over this latest exodus. This week we had two complete blackouts and it appears as though the Nips expect a little trouble. Have been told that Fanling (?) and Canton have been bombed recently. Also that Fuchou, 300 odd miles up the coast, has been captured by the Chinese. It looks as though, sooner or later, we will all be shifted but in the meantime, if I can stay where I am, so much the better. Often wonder if I shall be able to get my diaries home. After all the work I've put into them, really would like to be able to get them home, if possible. More than likely will have to cache them and trust that someone digs them up and forwards them on. Had another chat with Penney on one thing or another -— music, books, gardening, houses, etc. Incidentally the other day, he received a letter from Cornwall! Have some real gabfests in the Orderly Room on various subjects. Had one the other day on pensions with Cam Maddess and Norman. Old Maddess sure is worrying as to whether or not he'll click on a pension and has some very queer notions. Mac has been having some bad spells lately and hasn't been doing so good. Major Harrison wants to try to have them ease off smoking as it has a definite effect on the eyes - nicotinic ambylopia or something. also, he wishes to find out whether or not it has any effect on the legs. In the nature of an experiment but as so little is actually known about this pellagra, such things are of a necessity. Mac has one small scotoma on his eye, which should heal rather easily. Am now reading "Martin Chuzzlewit" by Charles Dickens. This is rather heavy going but am- now into the gist of the story and it isn't bad at all. Received a hunk of cake, peanuts, and two eggs from the Major the other day and that cake sure was good. Cannot help speculating what the next one will be but we're not carrying the puck and can only wait to see what transpires!
26 - 1 - 43
Just a line or two. This has been one of those days which occur everywhere. Really feel "browned off" as the Imperials say. Had two inspections - one by the new Hospital Commandant the other by some Colonel in the Medical Service from Canton. Tomorrow, old Takusaga is to make the rounds. Have sure had my belly full of inspections this last three years. Mac got a note from Bobby Boyd and he has gone to Japan all right. The Nips called a parade, made everyone march up and down and divided them into two groups. Most of the Sergeants have gone and we've now ceased to function as a unit. In some ways, this is of advantage to me, as now have no further responsibility in that direction and also there'll be no more orders issued and consequently shall remain put. Have heard no news from the outside and can only keep my fingers crossed. Things here are much the same. Rations haven't improved at all and so far, have received no more Red Cross stuff of any description. The ward right now is very lousy ~ so lousy that orders have been issued that all patients shall make their beds barrack room fashion. Mac isn't doing so good and sure is down on Dick Collings, who has the habit of rubbing people in the wrong way. Wants to go back to Camp irrespective of how his feet are. Sure wonder how this is all going to turn out and just what the next move will be. In any event, shall endeavour to remain where I am for as long as possible. Would like to stay with Major Harrison, as he has been more than good to me and am perfectly willing to accompany him anywhere. However, can only sit back and wait. Caught a chap — Cpl. Gavier of the R.A.S.C. - stealing sweet spuds for which he received 48 hours detention from the C.O. Should l have got 48 days in my opinion. Here's hoping that this is the last year, as I sure would like to be free for more reasons than one and would like a "quick one" at the La Salle!.
31 - 1 - 43
One up and 11 to go! The first month of '43 is now history and certainly brought forth some changes. If one could only believe half of the yarns floating around, things wouldn't be bad at all. However, it would appear that the Russians have managed to cut off a whole German Army in the South - having made a drive from Kerch to Rostov, isolating this force between there and Stalingrad. ln th North, they've reached the Baltic and in the centre are now battling in White Russia. The city of Tripoli is now in our hands and it has developed, more or less, into guerrilla warfare with the end not far off. No news as to the situation in this neck of the woods. However, it begins to look as though this year may see the end of the European part at least. After that, this sh0uIcln't take any longer than six months. Here things are about the same. All sorts of stories as to another Red Cross parcel but as yet nothing has materialized. In Camp they've really been getting looked after this last while. In hospital, they've had a pint of fresh milk per day, 1 Ib. of sugar per week and an egg per day, which they could have cooked any way they desired it! Carumbal that's got us beat a million ways. All we get for entrees is beans or tomatoes, an egg every third morning, some marmite and dripping — no bully or M & V. We only draw as much rice for 57 men as we did for 43, . which isn‘t so hot when you have 40 on full rations. Have a new system of extras, so that everyone, with the exception of 9, gets an extra once every three days. Already three have asked to go on "full". It's a source of amusement to see how fast they can eat rice once the extras go. C.S.M. Britto, ofthe Portugese Company, H.K.V.D.C., died today. They were attached to us at Pokfulam, under Captain Dalmada. This is about all.
2 - 2 - 43
Today we‘ve had a taste of wet, clammy Hong Kong weather, which doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. Has not been raining exactly but foggy and damp with a little drizzle. Depressing to say the least. Everyone is all agog over the possibility of getting paid again - 15 or 16 yen. Orders came from the Nips to prepare lists of all parties and staff preparatory to paying. Here's hoping that there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip and am keeping my fingers crossed. Would come in very handy to put it mildly. Used up the last of my other money to buy some soya sauce and a crock of ginger to avoid the rush. Hope they don't raise the price of things. Yesterday was Alb's birthday - 26. Tempus fugit! and all the rest. Does not seem so long ago that we were kids out chasing snowbirds with Buster. Surely next year will be able to either celebrate with him or to send best wishes. Wonder how things have been going on the farm. Have been working with Major Harrison on a record for Blood Pressures. Mr. Drew is making up charts on the weights and have been doing so in the bunk. Have many a chat with him over things and must certainly drop him a line or two when we're once more in civilization. Have been walking around with Buzz at night and once again are speculating on how things will be after this is over- Both of us are agreed that there will be lots of opportunity for a man and that things will boom again for a time. It is to be hoped that the Government keeps a control of things, so that they don't go skyrocketing as so happened the last time. lf they don‘t, we certainly deserve all that's coming to us, in more ways than one. Did some washing today but Lord knows when it'll dry. Managed to get another winter shin and a towel today, which helps. Swapped 3 packs of cigarettes for 2 bars of Palmolive and 1 of Lifebuoy, which is a big help and should last quite a while.
7 - 2 — 43
Here it is Sunday again. The weeks roll by in a never ending manner. As I write, it is with effort as my hands are pretty cold. This is the coldest day so far and one really feels it, yet am a lot better off than this time last year. Grub has been scanty this week, due to a shortage of fuel. Chinese New Year is on, which possibly accounts for same! The big event of this week was the Y16.00 we received via the Red Cross on Wednesday the 3rd. To say the least, this was money from home and sure was welcome. Took up a collection in our Ward for the Hospital Comforts Fund and got Y55.00 - gave one yen myself. Twelve of us have all pooled together, putting in one yen apiece to have a binge on the 14th. Are putting in half our sugar rations per day, one whole ration of bread per day, ie we divide 11 between twelve and lob in a whole one. Also, instead of taking 1/4 of a can of bully apiece, we've taken 1/6 and acquired 2 cans, as well as our cocoa ration and dripping. So far we've bought a jar of ginger, 1 tin of sauced beans, and 1 Ib. of peanuts. Have seen Major MacAuIey and have arranged to borrow his hot plate and skillet, so that we can fry some stuff. We're going to make a couple of duffs, having got a tin of jam and also are going to try to buy some fruit. All ln all, should have a pretty good time - the only fly in the ointment being that a draft is being made up. salto was here yesterday and wants a report on all the Avitaminosis B cases in hospital and also on any since the 28-10-42. The report is to be until the 15-2-43. So, whether or not this is an indication of anything I cannot say, but hope this stalls off until after our do. Personally, think our days are numbered here and expect to be off on a boat to Japan anytime now. Cannot complain as I've certainly had a good stay and am once again in pretty good condition. Can only keep one's fingers crossed and hope for the best, as there isn't much sense worrying, as one has absolutely no say in one's fate or disposition at the present time.
Wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinchbeck today. Often wonder what becomes of these and if they ever reach home. Will be interesting to see if any ever did. Played some cribbage on Wednesday night with Mac against Mr. Drew and l..A.C. Cook. Lost 3 games to 2 but they were all closely contested. Am glad to report that Mac is improving steadily and is much more cheerful. Eyes are slowly coming along. Have been walking a lot lately with "Buzz" and have had some great talks on things in the future. Buzz has been warned for this draft and shall be sorry to see him go. Dick is laid up with an infected finger - had to have the nail off, so am dishing out again. Have so far only bought some pork and beans 45 sen, 1 tin yellow beans 30 sen, 1/4 lb. salt 30 sen, 1 bottle curry paste 2.20 and a jar of ginger 85 sen. Certainly have some great ideas for dishes and will always want to putter around in the kitchen making up snacks, etc. Hope it warms up again as this weather isn't very pleasant under these conditions. Still once this month is gone the worst is over and we can look forward to some warm spells. Cannot but wonder as to how much longer we must put in 'ere we get free. it still seems BoIts away, aItho' if one can but believe the rumors, it may be closer than what we think. It was inthe 1 - 2 - 43 issue ofthe Nip paper that there was 18 bags of mail for prisoners in Hong Kong- The Lord only knows, however, if and when we shall get them. Still after 16 yen, anything is possible. Hope there's one for me, as it will be more than welcome. No Fled Cross parcels as yet - plenty of rumors but that‘s all. One of them would "hit the spot" in more ways than one. Well hope Pop and Alb are OK and doing well. Wish I were there with them but it's a long road that has no turning and our day is coming. Until then, chin in and tail up! It can't last forever!
14 - 2 - 43
Sunday once more and Valentine's Day at that. Have had a very busy week with this report on Avitaminosis B and worked practically every night on same. However, it is now completed and ready to be handed to Lieut. salto for his august approval. Very interesting, indeed, the more so as I've been in on it right from the start. On the 11th, celebrated my 28th birthday - the second one as a guest of His Imperial Highness the Emperor Hirohito. Last year, wondered if I would be able to spend this one in freedom and now am once more wondering the same thing - what about 1944? Johnny Hodgkinson is in Japan, so this is one time we didn't have it together. On the night of the 10th, we had our little do and it certainly was OK. Had a "'chow fun" consisting of fried rice with shredded bully, peanuts, pork and beans and ginger - all mixed in together. Then we had rice pudding into which we had put a can of jam plus some syrup ie sugar mixed in hot water. Had sandwiches of bully, ginger, tomatoes, and beans. Then we had our "duff" - made cf bread, crumbled up very fine, plus ginger, peanuts, cocoa and sugar plus a coating of icing. Very good, indeed! This only cost us 55 sen apiece and was well worth it. Those present were: C.S.M. Dick Collings H.K.V.D.C; Sgt. Bill Allen, H.K.V.D.C; Gar. Clifton, R.A. Spr. Bertram, H.V.D.C; Cpl. Gavier, Ft.A.S.C; L.A.C. Cook, R.A.F; Mar. Jack, R.Ml; Rfn Youngs, R.R.C; Pte. Miller, W.G. Pte. Brown, W.G; and self. Had an enjoyable evening afterwards, playing games, telling jokes and exchanging reminiscences. In after years shall always look back to this with pleasure. The draft went out on Friday and the incoming are consisted almost entirely of Canadians, amongst them was Alf Shayler, Freddy Adams, Jack Fordyce, Staff Seymour, etc. Got a note from Don! Content of which is as follows:
"This is a rush job - iust heard that a draft is leaving for Bowen Road. I got out of the hospital yesterday - but still have pretty sore feet and pellagra of the chest and stomach - getting needles for this, so hope to improve. I get around fairly well. Sorry to have not written before but my eyes are very bad — haven't been able to read anything for almost 4 months. Glad to hear you're keeping fit and hope that you can stay that way. Outside news seems good and things are bound to start rolling fast this spring - certainly this year should see everything over. If another draft leaves, I think I'Il try to make it (Japan). How about you'? Let's hear from you when possible- Regards to Mac and Budd. Excuse rush. Don"
This was very welcome, as had been speculating as to his whereabouts. Evidently he has had a pretty rough time of it. Will be glad to see him again and have a feeling we'll be on the same boat - to Japan. Dave Rumor, a lying jade at best, has it that the next one is on the 25th. News from the outside is very good re the Russian Front. Evidently, Timashenko drove down from into Rostov and cut off the second German Army Corps between there and Stalingrad, with the resultant capture of 300,000 Fritzies. To put it mildly, this is a step in the right direction and a few more blows of this type should go along way towards clearing things up. Have now reached a stage of torpor ie just like an old milk horse, plodding along the same old route from day to day. Still it can‘t last forever and it's a long road that has no turning. So, chests out and tails up, until things are successfully wound up!
18 - 2 - 43
Maid's day off back in old Winnipeg but it's just one more day to us at Bowen Road. Weather has been very fine the last few days - vastly different from a year ago. if one can only believe half the news, or alleged news, then we have not got much longer to put in. Fritzie is definitely catching hell in Russia and has suffered tremendous losses. Mac told me he heard that L‘Orient, a naval base, primarily for subs, on the northwest coast of France, has been bombed off the map. Opinions vary, needless to say, but it is fairly prevalent here that it will be all over in Europe within three months time. Certainly hope so but still figure if I'm home in June, 1944, will be doing good. Life here still floats along. Am now engaged in cleaning up on various odds and ends, which were let go during the hectic session re the report on the deficiency diseases. Somehow can't get down to writing - feel a bit "off color" and so will pack in for a time.
22 - 2 - 43
The main thing to write about is the do we had last night. Had another "chow fun", duff plus bread, fried in fish grease and sweet potatoes fried with onions and curry. Had a hand in the making of both the duff and the "chow fun" and will describe the same, herewith. First of all the duff- Bread is the principle ingredient, plus 1 lb. cocoa, 3 lbs sugar, 1 jar ginger, peanut butter, salt and grease. Took the bread and crumbled it up fine, then mixed it up in a batter, using soya milk to mix same. Made an icing, using cocoa and sugar. The "chow fun" consisted of rice, plus 5 tins of pork and beans, 1 tin sauced beans, 1 jar ginger, 1/2 lb. peanuts plus salt and grease. Mix this up well. chopping up the nuts and ginger. Then heat over fire. The rice should be dry - the drier, the better. Needless to say, it has already been cooked. This makes an excellent dish and shall certainly have to put one up when I get home. We also had fried sweet potatoes with onions and curry plus two slices of bread, fried in fish grease. In order to have this feast, 11 of us went in and saved half our sugar ration, all our cocoa and dripping, peanut butter and a ration of bread per day, for 9 days. What we did on the bread was to cutt off a ration and then divide the remaining between 11 instead often. It is hard to realize this being possible as a prisoner but but we sat down to dine at a table with a clean sheet on it plus me saying grace! Borrowed an electric heater from Major MacAuley and young Brown and I scrounged a plank for firewood. Those present were: C.S.M. Dick Collings, S/Sgt. "Jack" Stevens, Sgt. "BllI" Allen of the H.K.V.D.C., Pte. "Jack" McKay of the Royal Scots, Marine Jack, QM. S. Bill Husband of the B.C's, Rfn. Youngs R.R.C., Cpl. Stone of the R.A.P.C., Ptes. Brown and Miller plus myself from the Winnipeg Grenadiers. Had a very nice time and we sure had a bellyfull. Just got word of another draft to leave here. Sure are rushing things and don't think it will be long 'ere we go to Japan. In the meantime, thumbs up!
4 — 3 - 43
Here's another month - two up and 10 to go! Have not had a chance to write 'ere this, as have been pretty busy with one thing or the other. The draft, mentioned above, is due to leave tomorrow. Young Brown is on it and am sending a note by him to Don. Been busy doing Jap proformas, summarizing case sheets, blood pressure charts and what have you. Certainly is plenty to do. Saito was around on Wednesday, with the result that there is a sudden burst of renovation taking place — fixing up the recreation room, taking down all the concrete blocks, erected to protect the hospital from shell fire, etc. Just what this may portend is hard to say - perchance the Nips are getting it ready to be taken over by themselves or...
6 — 3 - 43
The last entry herein was interrupted by the arrival of Major Harrison to do some Jap proformas on lads going to Camp. The draft went yesterday and when the new one arrived got a couple of notes from Don and Dave Moffatt. The big piece of news is the issue of another Red Cross parcel on or about the 11th of February! Jack got a letter from Mick Cook and he said that about the first thing they were given on their arrival was this parcel. Have been getting 2 oz. bully per day plus M & V to say nothing of pasties and porridge! Also 5 oz. of rice per meal! Sam Third went on the last draft. Roy Hemsley, a Corporal in the R.A.F. and a member of Toc H in Kowloon, arrived with a bad case of pellagra. Met him before the war and had a great night at the "Chantecler". Has a terrible rash over his body but is still very cheerful. "Knocker" White went out on the first draft to Japan and Conhead, the Secretary, has also gone. Conditions at Camp are much better and so far as food is concerned, are far ahead of us. Unfortunately, Don is back in hospital again but he says it's not serious. Dave is keeping well. News is good so far as they‘re concerned. Russians are now in the neighborhood of Odessa. Finland has concluded a separate peace. Norway has been occupied! All in all, things are progressing. Here, things are just about the same. Have managed to scrounge a pair of running shoes for 2 decks and have had a pair of sandals made, which cost me a yen - so am now fairly well off for footwear, as I have had rubber soles put on my boots. Our old friend, Lewis, pinched a Red Cross parcel at Camp for which he received 14 days detention and a damned good hiding from the Nips. Lots of rumors re some more dough and also re a draft to old Japan. However, have a hunch that it isn't for much longer. in the meantime, thumbs up!
11 - 3 - 43
Life still flutters along in that dull, mechanical fashion. Nothing much to note - usual rumors re parcels etc. but so far no evidence of same. Appeared in the Nip paper that 23,000 letters had been distributed to prisoners in Japan and that 150,000 more were being sorted. So maybe one of these fine days, one will arrive. A letter came here for Buzz, postmarked April 26, 1942 - only a matter often months! lf one could only get some real tangible news to go by, it would be a real help. Undoubtedly things are moving our way but very, very, slowly. Grub is very meagre and quality is OK but quantity is grim to say the least. Have some great gatherings around Mac's bed at nights, discussing various subjects. Britton, Gunton, Maddess, John Skibinski, Kashton, Franchiewicz, Sam, Mac and self generally constitute the members and some rare old talks take place. Everything under the sun is discussed and some rare old laughs and arguments occur. That is something we can enjoy to the full ie good fellowship. Am reading "Our Mutual Friend" by Dickens right now and it is very good, indeed. Have just finished putting some metal pieces on the heels of my boots, as the plates are worn very badly. Boots are in pretty fair shape and should last quite a time.
Am becoming "fedup" or rather that‘s the mood I've been in lately and sure wish it was all over -— still we‘re not unique and men have had to put up with far worse than this in days gone by. Often wonder how things are back home and just how they're making out. Will certainly be a backnumber for a long time and will be lost for a while. However, must readjust oneself as rapidly as possible. Just what I'll do, the Lord only knows as one cannot make any definite plans until conditions unfold themselves. Shall take a leave on the farm for a month or so, just taking life easy as, after this, figure l'll deserve it.
18 - 3 - 43
To put it tritely once more I take pen in hand to make a few more remarks. Nothing sensational to report save that we're now going through an orgy of spring cleaning. Nips have had some Chinos in to plaster the ceiling in the recreation room, after old Takunaga had had a look at it. Simultaneously we've been cleaning the windows and ceilings of the ward. Evidently a big Red Cross inspection is about to take place but just when no one seems to know. Rumors have been rife both with regard to a draft and to another parcel - but as yet no truth in any of them. Wrote another letter home to Pop. News via the Jap controlled Press, is to the fact that Fritzie has retaken Kharkov. However, rather expected something of this in the spring. What is more serious is the constant references by the Nips to discord in the Allies Camp. Eden has been to Washington for a conference over some remarks that the U.S. Ambassador to Russia made. Naturally, they're going to play it up for all its worth but have a hunch there is something in it. Things still roll along here. Grub is fairly meagre but one is used to that. Right now we're saving for another duff and a "chow fun" to be held this coming Sunday. Sam Kravinchuk and I went raiding the other night and stole part of a door, so that we can have a fire. Broke it up today - just like a bunch of kids. Had an interesting talk with Robertson, a Hong Kong Volunteer and a civil engineer, re picking up goods etc. He figures in setting up in the Export business and we were changing ideas, as l asked him about the possibilities of getting goods. Shall have to keep in touch with him for obvious reasons. Am working with Major Harrison on a "dip" report which is rather tedious. Managed to pick up a mess tin for 4 decks of weed. This is something I've needed badly for some time and all I need now badly is a pack. However, all in good time.
23 - 3 - 43
Here's the start of another week. Had our little binge last night and it was very successful. "Chow fun" was very good. It consisted of 2 tins canned mutton, 1 bean curd jar of beans, 3 tins sauced beans, 1/2 jar ginger, 1 pint of green peas, onions and 2 spoonfuls of curry powder, plus needless to say, rice. In the duff this time, put in a tablespoon of baking soda and it certainly had the effect of making it rise. Also had a rice pudding with a sauce of cocoa, sugar, ginger, soya milk all mixed up. All in all it was a pretty fair do. Those present were: C.S.M. Dick Collings, Q.M.S. Husband, C.S.M. McFadyen, Cpl. Stone, Marine Jack, Ptes. Robertson, Forsythe, Kravinchuk, Short, McKay, Mitchell, and self. So far, no ill effects have been had by anyone. Dick told me that it appeared in a recent Nip paper that there was no truth in the rumor that Hungary had concluded a separate peace with Russia. if one wishes to be optimistic this could be construed as a good sign and may well be the start of the denouement. However, if things in Europe are cleaned up this fall, we shall be doing good and it will be very encouraging. So far, no signs of any British invasion have been forthcoming. It is still early, however, and one should not expect too much. Still, after last year's disappointment, surely something will be forthcoming. June of this year will be the third since Dunkirk and surely we can put forth some concrete effort this spring or summer. Had some rare old talks on what we hope to do, or figure on doing, when we reach home. It is certainly going to be a strange experience, as it will undoubtedly be five years in between and will necessitate our making new friends and also starting afresh. One can scarcely realize that it is 3 1/2 years since we joined up and in that time, in the ordinary run of life, there would have been some strange happenings. So, in the stress of war, you may anticipate even, stranger occurrences.
1 - 4 - 43
The beginning of a new month! One quarter of a year has flitted by in a very short time and so far as we can see, no nearer home. On the 24th we had an inspection by Col. Takunaga and everything went over OK. On the 30th, a Professor from Tokyo, plus 3 Nip Officers and Lieut. Saito, to have a look at the pellagra cases. (sic) Nearly all of these have now either gone to Camp or are well on the road to recovery. However, there are some left in 8 and 9 wards and had the privilege of accompanying the party on their tour of inspection. Nothing out-of-the—way took place - the usual routine inspection. Am now sleeping on the verandah, having been ejected from our bunk, owing to the Nips requiring more Officers downstairs. In consequence, Lieut. Campbell, the OM. had to leave his bunk and took over ours. However, a draft is leaving shortly and shall then move in to the main Massage room. Mac is still in here and his eyes have greatly improved. Sam Kravinchuk's are still as bad as ever, owing to a corneal ulcer in the right. Weather has been very bad this week - raining constantly and very cold at the same time. Has stopped raining the last few days but is still fairly chilly. Grub is still pretty meagre - no Red Cross parcel and it is extremely doubtful that we shall get one. However, c'est Ia guerre! Have had some very good discussions on such topics as farming, world problems, electricity, mining, mines, guns, America, England, and what have you. Certainly have a pretty fair bunch in Massage right now. A little scandal has occurred in 3 Ward, where S/Sgt. James is i/c. However, up there the Orderlies look after all the extras and the other day, he drew 20 bottles of milk to be issued to the ward. When they said he could issue it, however, Io and behold there were only 11 left! He did some checking up to see if any had been handed out but none had. So he told them to hand them out themselves. R.A.M.C. - rob all my comrades! Not even satisfied with the customary Hong Kong 10% squeeze - 50 % or nothing! Have not yet heard any repercussions on same. Have lost another pound - weighing 148 stripped which isn't bad considering. News is to the effect that the Allies have captured Gosfors in North Africa and are hammering away at the Mareth line. A naval battle took place off the Aleutians, in which the Yanks, as usual, suffered heavy losses. No mention of either the Russian or the Burmese fronts. Have been doing a little more snobbing and have just put some cleats on the heels of my boots. These should now last me indefinitely. Have been busy working on the "dip" report and also now on these discharges. Am sending over a note to Don and Dave Moffatt. Had a talk with Major MacAuley on Quebec and the hold of the R.C. church. He says that this has definitely been weakened and figures that this war will put the finishing touches to it, which is good news in more ways than one. Have been reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen and it certainly is well-written and worthy of being ranked amongst the classics. Some very good observations and remarks are to be found and shall definitely have to read it again, when once more am free. At times, become "fed up" to the teeth but am fairly well content just now. R.S.M. Bartley said the other day that this should teach everyone the value of leading a simple, quiet life and to be thankful for the chance to do so. In some measure, I concur and shall certainly enjoy myself more by doing things, which I want to, and worry less about getting worldly position and fame. Life is too short and certainly this has opened one's eyes as to the things which really count in this world. People worry far too much over "keeping up with the Joneses" etc. with the consequence that they miss a lot of the really worthwhile things. From now on, shall definitely lead a life as I please and shall worry no more over artificial things. From now on, shall do things I like to do and enjoy life to the lull. In the meantime, roll on the boat!
5 - 4 - 43
It's raining cats and dogs as I sit writing this. The weather has been horrible for the past few weeks but imagine it will turn out very hot after this lets up. According to the Nips, things in North Africa are coming along all right and it begins to look as though we might expect to have this cleaned up at last. Life still moves on in an endless manner. Grub is still pretty meagre and not much in the way of variety. A bunch of the boys have figured out a scheme for cooperative farming in the Peace River country. It sounds very good right now but am rather afraid that the ones concerned will be more interested in soaking up the beer than in ploughing. Robbie (W. Robertson) is very interested in farming in Canada but to my mind he is rather old for such an undertaking. Mr. Drew is on the draft for Shamshuipo and in a sense, feel sorry to see him go, on account of his age. He is a "phoney guy" as Alb would say, and certainly is out of place in this life. Will have to write him, after it all clears up. Have some great talks here on various subjects and it has the effect of broadening a man's intellect far more than you ever would back home. Am rather "fed up" with this place but it is better than at Camp and I am not going to volunteer for that. Time enough for that when I have to go. It looks to me as though we have another year ahead of us, because so long as Germany is in the field, nothing much will take place out here and even after Fritzie is finished off, some time will elapse ere a strong blow will be struck in the Far East. Am reading "Fllnzi" by Lord Lytton and it is pretty fair. Have lost 5 lbs. in weight this last month but on the present diet, this is to be expected. Price, fish and veg. is our standby at noon with an alternative of plain rice or soya milk pudding for supper. Breakfast is our best meal with bread, beans, porridge, or barley plus sugar and tea. One of these days, though, we'll make up for this and it can't be too soon!
12 - 4 - 43
Time marches on! This draft is still here and as a matter of fact, Major Harrison told me that the Colonel had mentioned about me going back to Camp. Asked if I'd like to go on this draft but said I didn't have to. So, decided to wait for the next one and go out with Mac. Cannot complain as I certainly have had a good run for my money. Figure that there will be a big draft again for Japan as there must be quite a number ready to go now. Would just as soon go to Japan as to Shamshuipo but at any rate do not think shall have to stay very long there. Am well equipped so far as clothes go. Would like to get hold of some more socks, underwear, and a big pack. However, am now in good shape, weigh 149 stripped and with any breaks, should make it OK as l think we only have about a year to go. News is very good. Paris was subjected to a huge air raid by 2000 planes. Blum, Daladier and some more have been taken to Germany as hostages. ln Tunisia, both the Americans and British have made gains, taking 10,000 prisoners. On the southern front, the Russkies made a gain of 60 miles, taking 40,000 prisoners. The Yanks used 250 planes, at Russell Island, of a type hitherto unseen out here and sunk 2 airplane carriers, several cruisers and 6 or 7 destroyers. This has all been substantiated to a certain degree by mention ot same in Nip paper. It would appear that Fritzie is now getting the wind up re an invasion. At any rate, it looks as though we have the whip hand and big things should transpire ere this summer goes. On Thursday, we all got another yen, which is OK but there is nothing in the Compradore's shop. However, Mitch just came in and says the Compradore has just arrived with a bunch of stuff. A bunch of letters also arrived but as I expected, nothing for me. However, Cam Maddess got one from his wife, dated April 22, 1942 and it is evident from her letter that they did not know then just who or what our casualties were, as she asked for Floss Foster. One of these days I suppose I shall get a letter but Pop isn't a very good correspondent and neither is Alb. Have made arrangements with Cpl. Leath to leave my diaries with him and have him look after them for me. If need be, he'll bury them and trust that they may be resurrected at some future date. Have scrounged some oilskin from an old gas cape and shall wrap them up in that. Grub has improved the last week and we‘ve been getting more rice plus quite a few extras, such as iam, peanut butter, catsup, margarine, and what have you. There were some real gains in weight this last fortnight. Was talking the other day with some chaps from the D.D.C. (Dockyard Defense Corps but known as Donald Duck‘s Corps) re officers etc. Their total strength was roughly 165 all ranks and they have 2 Majors, 11 Captains, 3 Lieutenants, 23 Sergeants, 1 RSM., and 4 Corporals! Caromba, nearly as many Sergeants as a marching battalion! The average age of the Corps was 47. Heard one on the Interpreter. There are a bunch of coolies repairing the Hospital and amongst them is a half decent looking Chinese girl. The other day he walked into the Steward's Stores and asked for a slice of bread and dripping - not for himself, so he said. When he left, they spied on him and lo and behold! he gave it to this girl! Propaganda in more ways than one. Have been overhauling my kit in anticipation of this move and have it in fair shape. Hope I can escape this next one as I think it will be some time ere there is another and the longer you stay, the better. Figure that they‘ll clean this place out entirely one of these days and wouldn't mind moving with the hospital. Have had a pretty good time and only hope that the next 6 months are as good as the last. Mac figures we'Il be free this year but I'm afraid I cannot share his optimism and the best l can look for is to be free this time in 1944. However, when this invasion takes place, if it is handled right, things can happen overnight. However, remember how I figured on one last year and nothing transpired, so am not so sanguine over it as before. R.O.T.B.
18 - 4 - 43
Well, the draft finally got away on the 13th in a rush as usual. Furthermore, all the over 60, blind and amputations left also! Just what this portends is hard to say but so far as I know, they all landed in Shamshuipo. However, imagine that they will all be repatriated. Hope so, anyway for their sakes but it's hard to figure out what these Nips have in mind. Gave Ted Herity a note for Pop, so if he does get away that will be something. Things here are about the same. Am now working outside on the grounds, as Major Harrison asked me if l minded doing heavy work. Reported to Sa- Major Bartley and he put me on working in the cemetery, raising and levelling the graves which have sunk badly as a result of the heavy rains of the last few days. Rather a welcome change, as it is working outside and you do not have to kill yourself. Only in the forenoon, so it's OK by me. Had another note from Don who is still in hospital over there. Feet are still bothering him but he seems just as cheerful as ever. News from the outside seems to be good. Things are gradually moving our way but slowly. Have been washing my kit this last week so that when the move comes, my clothes will be pretty clean. Kind of think there'll be a big cleanout and shouldn't be very surprised to see some of the Staff included. Would do some of them a lot of good to get a bellylull of Camp life for a while. Rumors are strong again re the Red Cross parcels. Easter now being the date set for same. Also, that there is more mail for us, so maybe I'lI be lucky this time to snag one or two. In the meantime, life goes slowly on. Undoubtedly am better off here than in Camp but sure as hell am "fed up“ with this joint. In any event, do not think we shall stay at Shamshuipo long, as i figure there'll be another big draft for Japan very shortly. Rather expect to be on same and figure it should be better there than in Camp.
27 - 4 - 43
Easter has been and gone, once again. Got an egg on Easter Sunday, which hit the spot. Still no Red Cross parcels. However, grub has been very good lately and we sure have no reason to complain in that regard. No mail as yet. Am still working outside and have no reason to complain as one certainly does not kill oneself. Have been working mainly on the cemeteries - weeding, trimming, cleaning up etc. Shifted the stuff from the "rec" room again. Recreation room is now finished and is in fair shape. News appears to be good with Tunisia, from Nip admission, practically cleared up. Right now, they have the "wind up" and insist on a complete blackout. Had a little trouble with the Night Wardmaster over our lights last night but have since discovered that he was more or less pushed around by the Nips and had to do something. However, in the first case, he was very cavalier and then, having evidently made inquiries as to who was here and discovering that the room held two W.O.'s and two Sergeants, he kind of back pedalled - the old Army game again. Also have been having several "tiffs" with Dick over various things. Went to the mat with him over the crusts yesterday. Told him l thought they were poorly cut and weren't up to scratch. Came down and more or less, "hit the roof" with us. We're perpetually having friction with him over one thing or another and one of these days, it's really going to break out.
10 - 5 - 43
Some time has elapsed indeed, since the last entry into this diary. The big event in the interval has been the arrival of our second Red Cross parcel on the 5th of May. Was fortunate enough to go out to get them and able to go out on the 7th again. In the past year they've really cleaned the place up and it is actually cleaner now than when we had it. Of course, there are only one-third of the people here now, as compared to then, which makes quite a difference. Was very pleasant, indeed, to be out once more. Actually, it must have been out of the bigness of their hearts, as we didn't do anything in the way of active work. Saw the famous horse cars in Kowloon. Can now imagine what it will be like when we get free with regard to women. They sure look good and there'll be some rare times. Brought over some mail but nothing for either for Mac or myself. Saw a work party out from Shamshuipo amongst whom were Mac Howes and Leo Pagent. Mac was looking in very good shape. Had a quiz last night - 2 Ward versus 3 - and we managed to eke out a win. Had a side bet of a deck of smokes apiece. Our team was composed of B.S.Nl. Walker, H.K.V.D.C. RA.; Q.M.S. Husband, Fl.E.; Sgt. Pugsley, W.G.; Pte. lnggall, M‘sn; Pte. Sweeney, W.G.; and self. Blackouts are all the rage again and it looks as though the Nlps have the wind up over something. No news these days — so let's hope the old adage applies . Have a pretty good time in our little ward, kidding one another about different things. Old Mac made a statement one day to the effect that he was going to turn over a new leaf on his release and this has occasioned much ribbing. He is now referred to as "Lord" MacFadyen or "Green Pastures" - symbolizing the reform company he is going to conduct.
Have finally managed to get hold of a pack, which is in fair shape, so am now pretty well fixed for equipment. Am still working outside - in the cemetery, on the wall, "rec" room and various other odds and ends. This is OK and the time certainly passes quickly. Have been doing a fair amount of reading - read "Tree of Liberty" by Elizabeth Page and it certainly is pretty fair. Well, here's hoping it isn't much longer and R.O.T.B.
Things to Check On, etc;.
1. Obtain another share certificate for Wendigo (50).
2. Check on War Saving Certificates.
3. Check with Brad and Drew on shares bought from Brad's Dad. Figure these are gone but who knows?
4. Get a Safety Deposit Box at Bank of Nova Scotia for keeping papers in, etc.
E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc. 266 — 302 - 4th Ave. Write for catalogue of Everyman's Library New York, N.Y. The Fleischmann Distilling Corp. Write for "Miner's Manual" Bon J.K. Peekskill, N.Y. and 10¢ for a picture of the painter at North Point Prison *Read this in "Fortune", October, 1940, Camp, February 26, 1942 RU. Delapenda & Co. Booklet on Rum recipes Dept. F-3, 57 Laight St., Esquire, Sept., 1940, in North Point Camp New York, N.Y. "I'm a Stranger Here Myself Published by Victor Gallancz Itd., 1936 by Ogden Nash
Ladislav Farago — Publisher - Robert Hale "Riddle ol Arabia" (read) - "Abyssimia on the Eve" , "Palestine on the Eve", "Abyssimia, Stop Press" "Arabia Deserts" by Charles Doughty; "Oliver Wiswell" by K. Roberts WaIter D. Edmonds - Pu. Little, Brown & Co., Boston "Random Harvest" - "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" by James HiIton "Days of Hope" — "Hope for a People" by Andre Malrous, George Routledge & Sons Itd, 68-74 Carter Lane, London, E.C.4 "Walden Pond" by David Thoreau Books by Dale Carnegie and Willem van Luan "The Yearling" by Margaret K. Rawlings Procure some of Charles Dickens' works; viz. "Plckwick Papers" "David Coppertield" "TaIe of Two Cities" Copies of "The Case for Federal Union" by W.B. Curry - (Penguin 846) "Union Now" by Clarence K. Streit (Pub. by Jonathon Cape) ln "Reader's Digest", February, 1941, an article · "What Makes the Worker Like to Work'?“ by Stuart Chase, read whilst at Bowen Road Hospital, October, 1942 - described experiments with personnel at Western Electric Company's Hawthorne plant, near Chicago, resuIting in "personnel counselors" being appointed.
Get book "Management and the Worker" by Prot. F.J. Roethlisberger and W. J. Dickson, published by Harvard University Press, 1939. This "counselor idea has appeal and suggest study said book. Write Western Electric outlining general history of this and who knows to what it may lead to. Worth investigating. Universal Digest (India) c/o G. Claridge & Co. Itd. Frere Road, Bombay, India Digest, similar to Reader's, but published in India. It is pretty fair and worth subscribing to- Bowen Road 20 - 11 - -42. One year Rs 10 Two years Rs 18
Ideas on What to do on Discharge to Civvy Life
1. Have a heart to heart talk with Drew to find out where you stand. See if there's any chance of getting a share in the business or as to advancement.
2. ('?) May be the off chance of getting in as a Secretary or some sort of "stooge" on one of these rehabilitation schemes. if you get in civil service, the main thing is security pension, easy work, good hours, chance to have a business on the side.
3. Own business - Beauty Parlor (’?) -- money in making own lotions. Collection Agency -- take an account- if collect, 50% - if not, nil. Manufacturers Agency (?) -- Keep in touch with Dgn Aitkens. He may be able top pick up small lots of different articles, send them to you and so dispose of same on a small jobbing scale. Be procuring goods and disposing of farm produce on a commission basis or straight buying or selling. Keep in touch with Len Seaborn, Dave Moffatt, Bert Turner, Flay Pellar, Sam Kravinchuk.
4. Consider staying in Army -- right now, repugnant but see how wind blows. Corps - Staff Clerks, Pay, Service or Ordonance preferably. Think over seroiusly as you might do worse.
5. Keep in touch with S/Sgt. Bob Boyd, as may be possibility oi someone being sent to Ottawa to straighten out our records. Once there, a good place to contact a Government job.
6. Contact Boss li/IcGavin with view to establishing Agency.
7. Camera business - parts, trade—ins, rebuiIt jobs, etc. See J.A. Davidson re same, as E.K. has necessary technical knowledge. Good thing and nothing along these lines in Wpg., so tar as I know.
8. Keep in touch with "Buzz" Winram at Neelin, Manitoba. it buying a car or truck, contact Buzz, as he would really be able to arrange a good deal.
9. Cpl. Earl Dickie comes from Gaston, barn there, and knows our farm and district real well.
10. Consider getting a job "up north" or somewhere in the mines.
Things I Would Like to Procure
1. Shotgun - 12 guage - double barrelled
2. Portable typewritter - really would like one and should look around to get a good secondhand one or, if Drew is going to States, ask him to pick me up one.
3. Re drinking - Should have a bottle of gin on hand to make cocktails; such as Tom Collins, Martinis, etc. as they certainly make a real, cool drink and are very good. Should drink like a "gentleman" more.
4. Get good photos of Fryatt, Lawrie, Edgley, and Kasijan and have framed. Also be sure to get one of Len Seaborn and Don Aitkens.
5. Get a good wrist watch.
6. Get some recipes for cooking rice in different ways. Squid - fry in peanut oil.
7. Get a good dictionary, atlas, shorthand dictionary, (Pitman) as something on synonyms and antonyms. Concentrate on buying books of travel and reference.
8. Check up on a .410 shotgun - good for chicken? Made by Marlin and Winchester - no good for ducks.
9. Have ring fixed - retain initial but get a thicker, better band put on it.
10. Life subscription in Reader's Digest - $25.00? (Worth it.)
Things Must do to Repay Favors
1. Treat Mac and Laidlaw to a "feed".
2. Have Len Seaborn and Don Aitkens "out" - to Mrs. Plnchbeck's preferably - for a real roast beef dinner. Also, take Len out to the farm and stock him up with some books.
3. Have dinner with Buzz Winram.
4. Buy Lieut. MacKechnie a box of real good cigars to repay tor a tin ot milk, soap, toothbrush, tomato juice, chocolate bar and raisins, given me at North Point Camp.
5. Fix up Fay the batman for toasting bread, etc., whilst working in the Sergeant's Mess.
6. Make up a com or weiner roast sometime at the farm. Take Floss, Holley, Johnny Hodgkinson, “Bucktooth" Davies, Jackie Aubert.
7. Major GLF. Harrison, R.A.M.C., must be repaid for his all-round kindness to me.
Re Farm
1. Be sure to get a statement of account from the Soldier's Settlement Board, showing how the account stood at the time of our purchase and also our payments to date. (F. Rice)
2. Start a set of books for the farm, showing how Pop and I stand in the way of money. Alb should be credited so much for labor, etc. and everything should be recorded. Believe you can obtain a set from either the Soidier's Settlement Board or AgricuItural College, specially designed for the farm.
Check on the following things:
Bees - couple of hives (?) See Bill Isaacs
Mushrooms - Good money - Pop could do these
Celery, asparagus, sugar beets - ascertain if it is worth while to go in any of these.
Soya Beans — Excellent for fodder and as a crop rotator. Definitely look into this. Write Agr. College and to Dept. of AgricuIture in Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Trees - Basswood, Russian Willow, Carragana, Maple. Contact Indian Head re same. Fruit trees also.
Truck gr Car ('?) — Buzz Winrm (International)
1. Letters may be addressed to Australia, America, Canada (providing one's family resides there), as well as one's own country.
2. All letters and postcards are limited to 100 words.
3. Letters may be addressed to an individual or to an individual care of a Private Company (Books and other Public Companies are included).
4. No mention ol wounds or casuaIties, other than one's own will be made.
5. No mention oi the food cr diet received is permitted.
6. The writer may state that he is in hospital but is not permitted to mention which hospital.
7. No alternatives or erasures are permitted.
8. All correspondence must be written in ink.
9. Letters addressed to one's own country but intended to eventualiy reach another country will not be accepted-
10. It is not permissible to write to any other Prisoner of War Camp or to Stanley lnternment Camp.
11. Letters using any of the following will not be permitted - codeword, secret language, secret ink, Braille system or any other secret method.
12. Letters or postcards written on any other paper than that supplied by the Hospital Office or purchased from the Ccmpradore‘s Shop will not be accepted.
13. Letters written with the otnct of conveying military, political or public affairs or any information concerning commercial or industriai management are not acceptable.
14. Any letter or postcard which has not been typewritten or printed in block capitals will be refused.
15. No address, rank, number or unit of the sender will be inserted on the letter, but the following will be printed on the flap of the envelope, or the back of the postcard: The Prisoners-of-War Camp "A" Hong Kong (Name)
January 2nd, 1943
Dear Pop,
Another note to let you know, am keeping fit. Under circumstances, conditions
are fair
and cannot complain about treatment particularly. My morale is still high and
to keep my mind occupied
Still no mail. Write through regular channels and also send letter to the
Red Cross at Geneva, asking them to forward same.
Remember me to my friends in the old districts at work or elsewhere. Best
regards to
Alb and his family; hope they are all well.
Take care of yourself Pop, and don't worry. Here's to a speedy reunion
within a short
Your son, Ken
[Ed note: formatting of the following entries has not been done]
248 V ADDRESSES Riflernan M.l.Davies, Noranda, F·‘.Q. or Southampton, Ontario Very dark, short chap of Welsh descent. Very decent man. Honest, self-respecting, clean, willing, good worker. Was at Bowen Fioad with him. Be sure to drop him a line. H.E.Drew (D.D.C.) Managing Engineering Dept. (Drawing Office) H.M. Dockyards Devonport, Devon, England Age 50. Not a bad old chap. Very oid fashioned and definitely out of place. ls addicted to cribbage playing and used to collect stamps. ls in the D.D.C. Send some honey and peanut butter. {Spr) J.W. Bertram (H.l<.V.D.C.) China Light Power Company Taiwan Road, Kowloon Hong Kong Please forward Man of 40. Electrical Engineer. Very clever and much travelled. Made the "chow fun" we had on the 10 - 2 — 43. Said he'd look me up if ever in Canada. L.A.C. Mick Cook (Ft.A.F.} c/o 22 Sandon House New Park Road London, S.W. 2, England Please forward Very energetic. Reservist. Was cheerful and lively. Was in Mess at North Point
249 Gnr J. Clifton 5th A.A. Bty 1 -· B King Gardens, Mill St. Liverpool 8, England ln Bowen Road. Worked as barber and round ward, cutting bread, etc. Cheerful and energetic. Decent chap. Was a butcher in “civvy“ lite. Could write. Rin "Bili“ Harlow (Ft.Ft.C.} Cookshire, Quebec Big, tall chap. Had pellagra bad and was the bane of Major Harrison. Pretty decent sort and should write. Pte. Murray; Brown H41852 OR Dr. P. Pickard (Uncle) Virden, Manitoba 349 Elm Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Cheerful, cheeky bloke. Just a kid ot 19 but was OK with me, as a stooge on various deals etc- Pte W.E. Short (D.D.C.) A.F.F. c/o S.A.S. Pricldy‘s Hard Gasport, Hunts, England Very nervous, excitable chap. Was an omarnent fitter and knew his 3ob. interesting to talk to and had quite a few talks on various subjects. Pte. (Jack} T. M acKay (Fi.Scots) 12 East Arthur Place Arthur St. Edinburgh, Scotland Cheery, good natured chap. interested in cycling. Humorous and sure had lots of guts. Could drop him a line.
250 Pte. E.K. Robertson (l·l.K.V.D.C.) OR o/p W.l—l. Alien, Sons & Co. Itd. C/O Marsman Hong Kong China Itd. Queens Engineering Works Hong Kong Bedford, England Man of 46. Engineer. Very intelligent. Travelled all over the world. Has idea of starting to manufacture stuff of plastic. Definitely should write especially if you start in business. 2/Lieut. K.D. O. Cole OR Westrninsters Book Itd 33 Grosvenor Road George Street Wallington, Surrey, England Richmond, Surrey A young officer in the Middlesex Regt, who was attached to us with his Company at Pokfutam. Was wounded in the left forearm. Dark, very polite, reticent and about 23 years old. Exceeclingly pleasant chap and should drop him a line. l../Seaman Egtgr M. Vgrmeulin OR Mukrap Street — 15 A #14841, Dept. of Marine Rotterdam, Z, Batavia - C, Java, N.E.l. Holland A young Dutchman about 23. Served in Dutch sub and was captured by Nips. Speaks fair English and is interested in reading. Fair, blue-eyed and very cheery. Promised him to write and to send magazines, papers, etc. Qgl. Norman J. Leath, R.A.M.C. c/0 Police Station, Thornhill Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, England Very brisk, cheery, alert chap. Extremely good to me - is a Corporal clerk- Had harrowing experience in war - left lying for dead, after being chopped on back of neck with Jap sword. Dad is a Chief Inspector on Police Force. Fair haired, blue—eyed- Be sure to write. ls about the same age as myself.
251 Cgi. R. "Bob" Lyall, R.A.Nl.C. c/o Mrs. Lyall (mother) 15 River Bank, Stakelord Northumbria, England Ward 2, Bowen Road — was a miner for 7 years before enlisting - stockily buiIt, dark, glasses, 28 or so. Well-read and interested in poetry. Had beri—beri in feet. Promised to send Drummond's poems and also that book on Canadian nurse. Single — figures on leaving Army and possibly going to Canada. Sig. H. ("Miclg;") Bates — Royal Signals 63 Dixon Street Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England Very fair, nice looking, quiet spoken lad of 24 · was C.O.*s runner at Bowen Road Office - had some great talks on one thing or another - used to kid him about boiled mutton and cabbage. re methods of cooking, etc. Pte. CllItord GaIt, B,A.M.Q. 52 Edna Street Hyde, Chesire, England Orderly, Ward 2, at Bowen Road. Tall, sllm, fair. Quiet, pleasing manner. Duration only and wants to get back to "ciwy" street. too. Printer- oompositor - by trade. Desires to get job as Secretary in the Trades Union. Figures on joining Masons, 27 years old. Had some interesting talks on work, ambitions, recreations, etc. Be sure to correspond to see how he does.
252 gn. R. “Bob" Duniog R.R.C. 25 West Gore Street Stratford, Ontario Was in dysentry ward at Bowen Road with him. A very short, active, bustling chap about 5'1" and weighing around 100 lbs., 25 years old, married and has a litle girl. Very decent chap. Worked both in retail and wholesale grocery - fruit business. Keep in touch with him. Rin. R. Harding R.R.C. clo Mrs. R. Harding Williams Hall Andover, Mass. U.S.A. Tall, slender, dark chap - age 20 R.Ft.C. - formerty National Guard - interested in dogs - "Boner" cross between Great Dane and bulldog. Veterinary course - met at Bowen Road. Could drop him a line. L/Cgi D. Edmunds — Middlesex 152 Tarbay Ftoad Flayner‘s Lane, Middlesex, England About 35 years old · tail and slim - slightly greying — upholsterer — been in Australia for sometime - very decent chap, met him in Ward 2, Bowen Road. A. tl. White OR P.O. Tet. A.J.White 12 Radford Road D/J 107206 West Hoe, England c/0 R.N-Barracks, Devonport Devonshire, England (Please forward) “Knocker " White - met him at group in Too H, Kowloon then again as prisoner—ol-war at North Point, Hong Kong. Be sure to write.
253 W.C. Johnstone OR W.C. Johnstone, S.M.C. (R‘td) c/o Chartered Bank ot india c/o John Pank & Co. Australia Bt China 63 Fenchurch Street Shanghai, China London, E.C. 3, England OB Union Bank of Australla Sydney, N.S.W- Met this gentleman thru Mr. MaoKechnie at North Point- lived in East all his lite - about 55 to 60 years old — treasurer of Shanghai MunicipalIty - very interesting and had some real good conversations. Must definitely write. H—690O Pte J. "Jagkie" Augert c/o Mrs. J.A. Barnett 471 Jubilee Avenue Winnipeg, Manitba Be sure to let his folks know he is OK it opportunity arises. gB74263 Pte Sam Thirg Depot - The Royal Scots Glenoourse Barracks MiIton Bridge, Midlothian, Scotland Please forward. Sam was in Bowen Road. Tall, slim, blue—eyed Scotsman. Very cheerful. Clean, neat and good worker. Worked as a cook in the Mess. Had some great talks with him re the Army, etc. Promised to send a pail of honey or peanut butter.
254 Ply - X- 1043 Marine Fl. Jack Royal Marine Barracks Plymouth, Devon, England Please forward. Very decent chap. Was paralysed badly and walked stiffbacked. Very cheerful, neat and tidy. blue-eyed and rosy cheeked. A pai of Sam's. Used to be a great lad for making dutfs, etc.
A troop ship was leaving Hong Kong
Bound for Old Canada's shores
Heavily-laden with time-expired men
Bound for the land they adore.
So cheer up, my lads, bless 'em all
The long and the short and the tall,
For therell be no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up, my lads, bless lem all.
There's many a bloke should have been on that boat
ls merrily soldlerlng on
For sixteen rupees, you do twelve months buckshee
That's what I call rotten hard lines.
Now bless all the Sergeants and W.G.‘s class ones,
Bless all the Corporals and their blinking sons,
For were saying "Good-by “ to them all
The long and the short and the tall.
Charge of the Rice Brigade
On the square, on the square
Strode the five thousand _
The Rice Brigade
Not for them to act the goat
Theirs to answer the bugler's note
Every man with smokers throat
Roll on the bloody boat
Noble five thousand.
Little Nips to the right of them
All set to shite on them
Formed up and numbered
But someone had blundered
“Old George" had missed two hundred
Gallant five thousand.
Oh where is Churchill's blitz?
This ain't no bloody Fritz ` .
Fall out the men with shits
Who pinched the flour?
They must not shoot the crap
Just theirs to take the rap
The Mikado won the scrap
"Three cheers for Johnny Jap",
Cried the five thousand.
No boots nor socks
Marching around on wooden blocks
Little towels to hide their cocks
On ten ounces a day approx
No tags or beer
Quite a lot of diarrhea
No pictures on the walls
No more bands or dance hlis
Who shall excel them!
No more anti—Nippon pranks
No more talking in the ranks
Oh where are those bloody Yanks
Poor old five thousand.
Oh what a charge they make
Like a Disney Cavalcade
Strains of martial music ring
They musn‘t play “Gcd Save the King"
But Chang Kal Shek is at Fanling
Cheer up five thousand!
Braveiy fighting Chinese lice
Hong Kong bugs and Kowloon mice
Eating rat shit with their rice
Gallant five thousand.
The Cali of the West
l‘m sick ot the Chink and the Tartar
I'm sick ot the Jap and Malay
And far away spots on the chart are
No place for yours truly to stay.
l’ve had enough undersized chicken
And milk that comes out of a can
The East is no place to stick in
For this one particular man.
i'm weary of curry and rice, all
Mingled with highly spiced dope
Pm weary of bathing with lysol
And washing with carbollc soap.
l‘rn tired ot itch, skin diseases,
Mosquitoes vermin and flies
I'm fed up with ttrcpivcal breezes
And sunshine that dazzles my eyes.
Oh Lord for a wind with a tingle
An atmosphere zesttui and keen
Oh Lord once again to mtngte
With crowds that are white and ctean.
To eat without tear oi infection
To sleep without using a net
And throw away all my collection
Of iodine, quinine, et cet.
To hear all the noise end the clamour
The hurry and fret of the West
I'd trade all the Orisnt's glamour
Those dmn tying poets suggest.
They sing ofthe East as enthratling
That's why I started to roam,
But I hear the Occident ceiling
Oh Lord, but I want to go home!
260 PRICE LIST ON GOODS IN COMPFIADOFIES SHOP AT BOWEN ROAD HOSPITAL AND ALLOTMENT TO WARD 2, 22 — 2 — 43, FOR 54 MEN 22 - 2 - 43 b|.Q.. PE {E 28 - 2 - 43 & Price {Yen) tomato sauce 3 2.25 ea. matches 54 -05 H.P. sauce 3 2.10 sauced beans 27 .35 tin bean curd 5 2.20 jar bean curd 3 2.20 jar meat paste 4 .95 playing cards 1 1.35 ginger 8 .85 enamel mugs 2 .85 ea pepper 13 oz. .20 oz. cornecl mutton 3 2.20 salt 1/4 lb »1B .30 1/4 lb cornecl beef 2 2.65 jam 12 .20 12 oz tin "Che1" paste 3 .95 tea 1/4 Ib-3 2.15 lb ginger 10 .85 cheese 5.50 lb jam 18 1.20 cocoa 1/2 6.50 lb peanuts 1/2 Ib - 3 1.80 cigarettes as req. .15 pkt. salt 1/4 Ib - 12 .30 1/4lb cigarettes 54 .10 pkt eggs 2.70 -.35 ea or 5/ 1.65 vitamaIt 1 3.70 pepper .20 oz oorned muttorr 2 2.20 meat paste Llbby's 3 .95 matches 27 .05 mirrors 3 .30 singlets 5 .50 ea honey 2 2.20 curry powder 1 2.20 pineapple 10 1.25 peanuts 1 Ib 1.80 Ib combs 1 .55 soy sauce .30 pt. razor blades 27 .25 ea
261 Baked Beans - (Do not soak). Get pea beans and boil until the skin peels off (approx. 1 hr). Then drain water off. Put in beanpot (earthenware about 1/2" or so thick) (8" high & 6 " round). Put a layer of bacon or salt pork on bottom, beans halfway, more meat and the rest of beans. Fill pct to within 1" from top with water (meat broth is better and suggest tomato soup, juice or ketchup mixed) and cook slowly for ten hours or more- Take a fairly deep pan, placing first a layer of cabbage leaves on the bottom, next a layer of meat - bacon, pork, etc. - then some tomatoes, more cabbage and finally some beans, spuds, etc. Put enough water inso it won't burn and place in oven to cook. ln making French Toast, be sure to soak the bread very thoroughiy in the egg batter. place in fry pan, making sure there is plenty of grease in it, so that the bread is cooked right through. Hamburger Loaf - Place hamburger in a flat, oblong pan about 1 U2" deep, putting sliced onions and tomatoes on top and baking in oven. Better still, if you are grinding your own hamburger, to grind onions and tomatoes right in with meat. A little curry or sage, mixed in, would go all right.
262 Salmon Loaf - Mix in bread with your fish, as well as some onions grated or chopped fine. Take a tin of tomatoes - do not use much of the iuice - and mix them in also. This will make it a little moister and give a nice flavor. Add sage or curry if preferred. Put in oven and bake. Flapger or Graham Wafer Pie - Style is similar to lemon. Pie crust is made from graham wafers. Filling consists of dates, raisins, currents, etc. and whites of an egg on top. tn mixing up the crust, crush up the wafers, add some sugar, - brown or white - plus a little milk and mix in a batter. Do not use any flour in crust. Headcheese - Take pigs head and add quantity of stewing beef. Boil and boil till meat falls away from bone. Then pour into bread tins (etc) and let harden. Qlam Chowder- Put in saucepan and add some milk to it. Put in diced potatoes, chopped up celery, and some peas. Add enough soda biscuits to thicken it up and heat same as a stew. ln place of vegetables, some people put in a piece of salt pork or bacon. Fry your sausage, take a hot cake and roll the sausage up in it. Serve by sprinkling some chopped up onion over it. Cut a piece of ham off a cottage roll about U2 " or so thick. Fry it in plenty of butter and then serve with cubed pineapple on top of it.
263 ln making hot cakes, beat the whites of the eggs up separately, untit they're real stiff. Then stir them into your batter. ln scrambling eggs, take the yolk, add some milk and beat them separately. Take the whites, beat them up real stiff and then stir in with the yolks. if you want to have bacon, ham or cheese in the eggs, beat them up with the yoiks. ln making an omelettg, follow the same procedure as above, only place the batter in the oven. When the eggs are just about cooked, add your other ingredients, such as ham, bacon, cheese, onion etc. (which have already been cooked). Flop over one half and nicely finish off. Com gong - Corn meal, buttermilk, soda, salt, and lard. Mix (ing) the buttermilk, soda, and salt into the meal (with fingers) and heating the lard to pour in at the last. Evidently, you can fry this, or use them as dumplings in a stew. Copied this from “Btackberry Winter" by Evelyn Hanna. Fritters - Make a batter, similar to pancakes, and in the case of fruit, you can mix it right in and then fry same. Another way is to make a sandwich, generally jam, and then cover same with the batter and fry. Excellent for breakfast and reafly enjoyed some in Jamal-ca. Corn is also used and is sprinkled in the batter direct or you can make a sandwich out of it.
264 Bowen Road Hospital, July 11, 1942 As one lies here, thinking, or gots into a conversation, inevitably, at some time or other, food is brought up. Possibiy, when this is read some ten years or so hence, it may seem very childish but, when one has been forced to live on a diet consisting mainly oi rice and one is sick, it becomes a very, very interesting topic. Herewith, is a list of grub, which has passed through my mind and which l think l would llke to have, at sometime or other, whilst on my sick ieave at the farm when we get homo. Here goes. Bread, Buns, §iscuits,, Cookies, etc. - French, rye raisin, brown, Boston brown, piain, irish, rye-raisin, current, nut lost, pecan roll, busters, doughnuts, cinnamon buns, plain rolls, wheat & rye, plain cookies, date squares, baking powder biscuits, soda crackers, oatmeal cookies, assorted biscuits, arrowroot, Graham waters, assorted pastries. §ou,os — vegetable, tomato, pea, corn, potato, asparagus, onion, mulllgatawny, celery, oxtail, splIt pea Meats - sausages, pork and beet, liver, chittlings, kidney, weiners, hamburger, spare ribs, chops-pork, lamb, and mutton, ham-cooked and picnic, balogna, satt pork, bacon, rib roast of beef, stewing meat, leg ot lamb, veal and mutton, roast pork, pork butts, pigs‘ feet, bully beef, corned beef or rnutton, stuffed heart, veal loaf, headcheese, tongue, chicken, turkey, goose and rabbit, buffalo
265 _l@_l3 - clam chowder (canned), sardines, kippers, shrimps, finnan haddie, cod, pickerel, salmon-canned and fresh, squid, lobster, herring-canned and fresh, whale meat Vegetables - either fresh, canned or preserved - potatoes-baked, roasted, scalloped, chips, fried, mashed or boiled, beans—pork and lima, string, broad, baked, soya, com, peas, asparagus, cabbage, beets, celery, carrots, turnips (swedes), egg plant, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, onions-spanish, and green, sweet potatoes, yams Pies, Puddings, Cakes, etc. - apple-deep and plain, raisin and lemon, pear, banana cream, cherry, potato, peach, rhubarb, blackberry and apple, meat-pork, piain, steak and kidney, mince, flapper, sweet pudding, plum duff, caramel, jam, sage, rice, bread pudding-lots of raisins, corn starch, carrot, tapioca, Johnny cake, fruit-rich and plain- banana and strawberry shortcake, carraway, plain, rnatrimoniai, chocolate, layer, tarts, assorted pastries, angel cake, jelly, ice cream, sponge cake, ielly roll, etc., pancakes, waffles {rags — fresh, canned or preserved, nuts etc. - apples, oranges, apricots—dried or fresh, prunes, dates, figs, pineapple, peaches, pears, plums, bananas, strawberries, cherries, grapes, blackberries, peanuts, almonds, brazlls, walnuts, hazel, "Nut House“ assortment, candy, chocolates, peanut brittle and clusters, licorice all sorts, humbugs, as well as a large and varied assortment of chocolate bars.
266 Miscellaneous - eggs, spaghetti-canned and in bulk, chili con carne, curry, buckwheat meal for llapjacks, macaroni, chees-Ontario, cheddar, garganzola and Kraft, butter, syrup-com and maple, iam-strawberry, black current, cherry, ketchup, worcester sauce, soya sauce, bean curd, tomato and pineapple juice, honey, peanut butter, sandwich pastes, anchovy paste, olive oil, vinegar, pepper, salt, sage Beverages - milk, tocldy, vitane, egg nogs and a case of beer. This is quite a list but it‘s a sort of representative of what I would like to have , when i reach home. When you read this, Pop, I can well imagine how you'll laugh and raise your hands. However, this certainly appeals to me at this time.
2 6 7 Diet issued to Patients and Staff During December, 1942 Date Breakfast Dinner Supper 1-12-42 bread, tea, beans rice, mixed veg, fish rice, sweetpotato, tea soy soup, s.b. milk 2-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, rice, veg. soup, fish, rice, tea, stewed fruit, soya bean milk 3-12-42 bread, tea, beans, rice, fish, SIB milk rice, tea, raisins, P/N butter soyibariey soup, green veg sweet potato, cucumber, cocoa 4-12-42 bread, tea, porridge rice, fish, SIB milk, rice, sweet potato, stewed fruit turnip soup 5-12-42 bread, tea, beans, rice, fish, SIB milk, rice, tea, sweet potato PIN butter green veg soup, mixed veg 6-12-42 bread, tea, porridge, bean rice, fish, SIB milk, veg rice, raisiu pudding, tea, curd soup, green veg sweet potato, cocoa 7-12-42 bread, tea, porridge, sugar rice, green veg, SIB milk, rice, tea, sweet potato, stowed veg soup fruit 8-12-42 bread, tea, beans rice, field fish, SIB milk, rice, tea, sweet potato mixed veg 9-12-42 bread, tea, porridge, sugar rice, fish, SIB! milk, green rice, tea, cucumber soup veg soup 10-12-42 bread, tea, beans, raisins rice, fish, SIB milk, green veg rice, tea, cocoa tomato soup 11-12-42 bread, tea, porridge rice, fish, S.B. milk, curry rice, tea, soup soup 12-12-42 bread, tea, PINI butter, rice, fish, SIB! milk, mixed rice, tea, stcwed fruit beans veg 13-12-42 bread, tea, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, cocoa, rice, tea, sweet potato mixed veg 14-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, porridge rice, mixed veg, SIB milk rice, raisin pudding, tea 15- 12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, llsh, SIB milk, mixed corned beef, sweet potato P/NI butter veg tea 16-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, mixed rice, tea, stewcd fruit veg, cocoa
2 6 8 17-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, barley soup, SIB milk, rice, tea, sweet potato corrned beef 18-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, sweet potato, SIB milk, rice, tea, sweet potato corned beef, raisins 19-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fried fish, green veg rice, tea, sweet potato PIN butter cocoa SIB milk 20-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, S/B milk, mixed rice. tea, stewed fruit veg 21-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beams rice, SIB milk, mixed veg rice, tea, fish soup, treacle 22-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, green rice, tea, sweet potato veg, cocoa risins 23-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, veg. rice, tea, sweet potato, SIB milk 24-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, veg soup rice, tea, sweet potato, stewed fruit 25-12-42 bread, tea, PIN butter, egg, rice, veg, M&V, tomato soup rice, tea, fried fish, raisin honey, sugar, chocolate, stewed fruit pudding Quaker oats, orange, nuts 26-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, mixed rice, tea, sweet potato veg cocoa 27-12-42 bread, tea, sugar. beans rice, fried fish, SIB milk, rice, tea, sweet potato green veg 28-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, green rice, tea, sweet potato veg comed beef 29-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, mixed rice, tea, sweet potato, veg, cocoa 30-12-42 bread, tea, sugar, beans rice, fish, SIB milk, mixed rice, tea, sweet potato, veg, cocoa
2 B 9 Menu for September, 1942 at Bowen Road _B_e;>_ Breakfast Digger Supper 1 tea, bread 8t sugar rice, fish yam rice, sweet potato 2 tea, bread & sugar rice, fish, sweet potato rice, sweet potato 3 tea, bread & sugar rice, fish, yam rice, sweet potato 4 tea, bread 8:: sugar, (dates) rice, fish, yam rice, sweet potato 5 tea, bread 8; sugar rice, tish, sweet tumip rice, dates 6 tea, bread 8c sugar rice, tish, veg stew rice, dates 7 tea, bread 8t sugar rice, fish, sweet potato, (curry) rice 8 tea, bread & sugar rice, sweet potato, vegetables rice, sweet potato 9 tea, bread & sugar rice, fish, green vegetables rice, sweet potato 10 tea, bread & sugar rice, fish, green vegetables rice, sweet potato 11 tea, bread 8t sugar rice, sweet turnip rice 12 tea, bread & sugar rice, veg stew, fish (curry) rice, sweet potato 13 tea, bread & sugar rice, veg stew, fish,(curry) rice 14 tea, bread & sugar rice, veg stew (curry) rice 15 tea, bread & sugar rice, green veg, tish rice, sweet potato 16 tea, bread & sugar rice, Hsh (curry) rice 17 tea, bread & sugar rice, veg stew (curry) rice, yam 18 tea, bread 8c sugar rice, veg stew, (curry) rice, yarn 19 tea, bread 8t sugar rice, green veg (curry) rice, yam 20 tea, bread & sugar rice, fish, green veg rice, yam 21 tea, bread & sugar rice, tish, yam rice, yam 22 tea, bread 8; sugar rice, ish, green veg nice, yam, soya bean mittr 23 tea, bread 8: sugm rice, tish. green veg rice, sweet tumip 24 tea, bread & sugar rice, sweet turnip, yam rice, sweet turnip, soya milk 25 tea, bread & sugar rice rice 26 tea, bread & sugar rice rice 27 tea, bread & sugar rice, green veg rice, milk 28 tea, bread & sugar rice, green veg rice 29 tea, bread 8.: sugar rice, green veg rice, soya milk 30 tea, bread & sugar rice rice
2 7 O On the opposite page is a menu, which l copied on the 6 - tt`} — 42 from the actual return made by the Cookhouse. This is what the Nips gave us for the month of December. Save for the ath, when we had some dates, Breakfast consisted of bread - if oz.; sugar - two dessert spoonfuls; and tea - so—calIed by courtesy only and with apologies to Thomas Lipton- For dinner, rice, needless to say is the basic. Vegetables are very similar to sow thistles back home ie green and sometimes a sort of raclish in it. Sweet potatoes and yams are self explanatory. Sweet turnips are similar to our white ones - same size, only a litte darker but taste much better. Fish was mainly of the whiting variety - about S" long and divided one between two or three men, depending on the supply. Rice was the main basis for supper plus vegetables. Soya milk is made as a by-product from soya beans - a powder or something. Yams are of a purpllsh color and are rather good. Sweet potatoes lately have been older and l like them better. Will have to try a feed of some with roast pork and the spuds roasted in the pan. In our ward, we always add soya sauce and curry to the vegetables or else make up a sauce. At supper, we all get an issue of bean curd — another soya bean product, which tastes similar to garganzola cheese. Had the odd egg issue for breakfast from the Comfort food and l had several from Major Harrison - duck and chicken eggs. Still have some soya sauce left and we had a salt issue also during the month. Rice issue varies from day to day but you never really get enough. However. this will serve to illustrate just what we're getting for rations.
2 7 1 Basie Diet of Patients and §taff A Daily Average for the Month of October, 1942 @ A_n3_g@ Calorie Value Qaigrieg Dig; Sugar ozs 0.50 1 16.2 58.1 Rice ozs 7.00 102.5 717.5 Vegetables Fresh ozs 6.68 Turnips ozs 1 .90 7.0 Cabbage ozs 2.70 1 2 .0 Onions ozs 0.38 1 1 -8 78.4 Yams ozs 1 .30 21 .0 Cucumber ozs 0.40 2.5 salt ozs 0.20 Bread ozs 11.0 64.8 712.8 Fish ozs 6-10 13.3 81 .1 Tea ozs 0.06 Dried Soy beans ozs 0.05 125.2 6.2 1654.1 Less 10% wastage 166.4 Actual caloric Value of this diet 1488.7
2 7 2 Notes: 1. In addition, 930 pints of fresh milk and 27 lbs 2 oz of margarine issued by the Japanese, were issued to patients only. The number of patients in Hospital varied 2. The onions were calculated as Ieeks, which they resemble; the yams as boiled old potatoes; and the fish as whiting. 3. in addition, ati patients and staff had one issue ot 2 bananas; also pomelos were issued in quantity enough to average 0.77 ozs per head ot patients and staIt per day over the month. No actual caloric value has been assigned to these issues. The foregoing is an exact a copy ofthe Quartermastefs Report on the Diet at Bowen Ftoad Hospital for the month of October. This is what was actuaily supplied by the Japs.
273 Bowen Fload Military Hospital Hong Kong, December 27, 1942 To R.S.M.J. Muslow, Hospital Canteen Please credit the following lmperiel troops from Ward 2 with the sum of Fifty sen (MY. — 50) to be used by them they deem fit: 1. FLSM. Reid — FLA. 2- C.S.M. Ceilings - H.K.V.D.C. 3. B.S.M. Lobben - FLA. 4. C.Q.M.S. Steven - H.K.V.D.C. 5. Q.M.S. Husband - FLE. 6. S.!Sgt. James - R.A.P.C. 7. Sgt. Lewis - FLA. 8. Sgt. Standen — R.A.O.C. 9. Sgt. Allen - H.l<.V-D.C. 10. Cpl. Gevier — R./-\.S.C. 11. Cpl. Stone - FLA.P.C. 12. L./Cpl. Owen - FL Scots 13. L.A.C. Cook — FLAF. 14. Pte inggall - Middlesex 15. Pte McKay — FL Scots 16. Pte McGregor - FL Scots 17. Spr Leigh - FLE. 18. Spr Bertram - H.K.V.D.C. 19. Spr Boddy - FLE. 20. Gnr Clifton - RA. 21. Gnr Poutter - FLA. 22. Marine Jack - RM. 23. Mr. Drew - D.D.C. 24. Mr. Penney - D.D.C. 25. Mr. Taylor - Att. PLE. 26. Pte Owens - t—l.K.V.D.C. 27. Capt. BoIt- Br. Mer. Service Herewith, the sum of MY 13.50 K. Porter l-t—61 18 - Sergeant W.G.
274 The following Canadians contributed 45 sen apiece: The Royal Rifles of Canada FllIteman Cotton Flilleman Chicoine Rifleman Grant F-tifleman Davies Ftiflemart Harlow Ftitleman Youngs Flillernan Valcourt Ritleman Serroul Fllfieman Bond Ftilieman McGinn The Winnipeg Grenadiers C.F.M. McFadyen Sergeant Porter l./Sgt. Budd l./Cpl. Moysey Private Bouronniere Private Boswell Private Brown Private Miller Private Kincaid Private Evanow Private Kravinchuk Private Fosty Private Sweeney Private Drier Private Mack Private Samson Private Corbett Private Bronson Private Mitchell Private Smithson
275 Chess Schedule Qm Ogpgnent um; was m tg toms 15-11-42 Capt. Campbell Fl.N.F1. 1 O 1 0 19-11-42 Sgt. Edge Ft.A.M.C. 2 1 0 1 23-11-42 Lieut. Nugent W.G. 3 0 1 0 27-11-42 Cpi. Chandler F1.A.M.C- 4 1 0 2 1-12-42 Pte Keogh R.A.M.C. 5 0 1 3 5-12-42 UCpI. Poupard F1.A.O.C. 6 0 1 2 9-12-42 Capt. Fraser A.D.C. 7 0 1 2 13-12-42 Rin Comban Pl.Ft.C. 3 1 0 3 17-12-42 Major Duran H.K.V.D-C. 9 1 0 4 21-12-42 Sgt. Smith A.D.C. 10 0 1 4 25-12-42 Major Squires R.A.C.D. 1 1 O 1 4 29-12-42 C.E.R.A. Morris RN- 12 0 1 4 2-1-43 S.P.O. Gregory RN. 13 1 0 5 6-1-43 Cpl. rath F1.A.M.C. 14 1 0 6 10-1-43 Capt. Pinkerton H.Scots 15 1 0 8 14-1 -43 Capt. Govey F·t.Fl.C. 1 6 1 0 B 18-1-43 Major Dewar Fi.A.S.C. 17 O 1 8 22-1-43 Cpi. Pike Fl.A.Ni.C. 13 0 1 8 26-1-43 Sgt. Peasegood R.A.M.C. L9 1 Q 9 19 9 10 9
276 List of Deaths, Since Prisoners ef War, Wpg. Grenadters H-6330 Pte Rudd, 0.W. “B" Coy. Died 29 — 1 - 42 It—Cc1. Sutctitte, J.L.Ft. 6 — 4 - 42 L-2870 Pte Lucas, H.F. 11 - 8 - 42 H-6271 Pte Chapman, JE. 15 - 8 - 42 1+6599 Pte Moffatt, J.A. 2 — 9 - 42 H-6901 L./Cpl. Whitlier, W.C. 9 — 9 — 42 H-6371 Pte Moore, D.H. 18 - 9 - 42 H-6110 Pte Smith, J.S. - "B“ Coy. 12 - 9 - 42 H-6837 Pte Hawkes, D. — "B“ Coy. 20 — 9 - 42 H-6219 Pte Harkness, W. 21 - 9 - 42 H-41790 Pte Pestuck, N. "B" Coy. 26 - 9 — 42 H-6898 Pte Reitz, E. “B“ Coy. 29 - 9 — 42 L—13478 Pte Candy, J.A. 9 — 10 - 42 Lieut. G. Harper (Ftetien Officer) 6 - 11 - 42 Capt. E.L. Terry (Paymester) 14 - 11 -· 42 L—2862 Pte Sayers, G.W. 22 - 12 - 42
277 Lieut. L.B. Corrigan, Swift Current, Sask. H-6251 C.S.M.C.A. MoFadyen, 523 Ellice Ave., Winnipeg, Man. H-6118 Sgt. K.E.Porter, 751 Talbot Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. H-6680 Cpl. G. Hollingsworth, 118 Lipton St., Winnipeg, Man. H-6134 Pte N. McLean, cio Mrs. i-l.W.Simpson, 339 Kilbride Ave., West Kildonan, Man. (Nov. 20th, '67 - funeral 1:30 pm.) L-28212 Pte Fred Malbeuf, Ituna. Sask. H-6359 Pte F.W. Poitras, clo Mrs. Giles, 1187 St. Mary's Road, St. Vital, Man. H~6330 Pte 0.W. Rudd, 508 Toronto St., Winnipeg, Man. H-41606 Pte St. Germaine, Qu'Appelle, Sask. The above comprises a list of those who, on Christmas Day, 1941, re-occupied a trench below Mt. Cameron and overlooking Bennett's Hili. Our orders were to hold this at all costs — in other words, to die where we stood. However, by a piece of good judgement on the part of Lieut. Corrigan, we evacuated and retired in good order to Wanchai Gap- On our arrival there, much to our consternation, as well as disgust, we discovered no one around. Eventually, at Mt. Austin, after a hard trek, we turned in our arms and were prisoners. in the withdrawal from the trench, Cpl. Hollingsworth was wounded through the right forearm and Pte McLean was creased in the back. Since writing the foregoing, have received word that Rudd died at Argyle St., 29 - 1 - 42, at 0200 hrs. Authority — Sgt. R. Manchester (24 - 4 - 42)
278 #9 Section H—668O Cpl Hoilingsworth, G. 118 Lipton St. Winnipeg, Man. H—6557 L/Cpl Charuk, N.J., Tiny, Sask. H-75253 Pte Blanchard, A.J.,Hudson's Bay Junction, Sask. l~l—20589 Pte Devlieger, A.A., 454 Doumoline St., St. Boniface H-41719 Hann, L.W., Keyes, Man. H-41790 Pte Pastuck, H., Sieman, Ont. (Died 26-9-42) L-41354 Pte Michalkow, J., Mikado, Sask. H-41666 Pte Oige, J.H., West Selkirk, Man. H-77713 Pte Wiebe, E., 121 Dagrnar St., Winnipeg, Man. H-6657 Pte Grantham, E.G.A., clo F. Barlow, Griffin, Sask. H-6539 Pte Davies, J.C., 421 Langside St., Winnipeg, Man. Attached from Cofy Headquarters: H-6770 Pte Sissons, A.W., 647 Langside St., Winnipeg, Man. Platoon Sergeant H-6118 Sgt. Porter, K.E., c/o 751 Talbot Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Added later - 2Q · 4 - 42 H-6608 L/Sgt Budd, C., Erickson, Man. Box 122 H-6497 Pte Forsberg, Ft., Keewatin, Ontario H-6808 Pte Fidler, Ft., Baimoral, Man.
279 tt 12 Platoon at North Point Camo - 4 - 3 · 42 # 7 Section H-6794 L/Cp| Shayier, W.A., 781 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, Man. H-631 0 Pte Abrahams, F.P., 122 Arden Ave., St. Vital, Man. H-6674 Pte Moore, W.S., 573 Mclllermot Ave., Winnipeg, Man. H-6930 Pte Pottinger, Ft., Overton, Man. H—6907 Pte Patterson, LG., Piumas, Man. H-41810 Pte Bowman, H., Swan River, Man. H—41802 Pte Broome, CN., Kenville, Man. H-41861 Pte Marquis, C., 502 Notre Dame, Ave., Winnipeg, Man. H—6759 Hail, FLM., Box 1, Elgin, Man. H-6730 Pte Hodgktnson, J.S.F., 355 Kennedy St., Winnipeg, Man. I-l-6661 Pte Moffett, DW., Pork River, Man. # 8 Section H-6682 Cpl. McGavin, J.Fl., 262 Balfour Ave- Winnipeg, Man. I-t—6377 1JCpl Aitken, D.S. i-l·~6848 Pte Calvin, F.J., Carman, Man. H-6324 Pte McLeitan, C., 242 I-lazetdell Ave., East Kildonan, Man. H-6334 Pte Younger, FLL., 426 Roberta Ave., East Kildonan, Man. H—·6910 Pte Smith, G.E., Plurnas, Man. H-41818 Sanderson, I., West Selkirk, Man. H-6134 Pte McLean, N., 399 Kilbride Ave., W. Kildonan, Man. H-41659 Pte Carter, L.G., Bowsman, Man. H-6186 Pte Galbraith, N.C., 1408 Lincoln Ave., Winnipeg, Man. H—€-5593 Pte Kincaid, C., 525 Gertrude Ave., Winnipeg, Man.