The Elusive Plaques at Sham Shui Po

(Excerpt from the Dec 2005 trip)

As you may have read elsewhere, finding the location of the Sham Shui Po barracks and the plaques that have been placed there was not easy. To make this trek less challenging for future explorers, we've provided some directions and a map.

This information was published in 2005, and so you should consider it dated and confirm using other sources.

The easiest way to get there is to get on the subway (MTR), head North, and get off at the Cheung Sha Wan stop (one north of Sham Shui Po).

Click for larger imageClick on the small map image on the left to see a larger view, which has the park where the plaques are outlined. The dot represents our best estimate.

If anyone has any background information on these plaques please contact me. Their existence is not well documented. Any photos taken during the dedication ceremony would certainly be welcome.

Thanks to Ken Skelton who provided the map information and to Allan Mondor for documenting this activity so well!

Plaque Photos and Inscriptions

Click for larger image


Click for larger image



Two Maple Trees Were Planted on 5 December 1991
In Memory of our Canadian Comrades
Who Paid the Supreme Sacrifice, Perished in Prison Camps
and Have Since Died as a Result of the Suffering Inflicted
1941 - 45
We Will Never Forget
Hong Kong Veterans Association of Canada


Click for larger image


These Trees Were Planted
26 August 1989
The Hong Kong Prisoners of War Association
in Memory of
All Who Died in Battle of Hong Kong
In the Prison Camps
And Since as a Result of Their Sufferings